Samantha's birth story

Sunday March 29, 2020 (my 30th birthday) at 6:00pm we presented to maternity to commence our induction.

We were monitored for half an hour, where we could see Braxton Hicks contractions and our beautiful baby girls heart rate sitting perfectly. We were cleared to begin.

At 6:45 the Cervidil Tape was inserted and we continued monitoring my cervix. After about 15 minutes I started having 5 contractions in 10 minutes. We were monitored closely and the contractions slowed a little. The midwife advised we were ready to move to the maternity ward for the night. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. After using the bathroom, I started to feel stronger contractions again and felt extremely nauseous.

Our midwife decided to monitor my contractions again before we moved to maternity. At around 8:00pm the midwife contacted my obstetrician (the amazing Dr Tina Fleming, Grace Private) and it was decided removing the tape and administering medication to stop my contractions would be best as I was clearly hyper stimulating.

My waters would be broken in the morning. By 9:00pm my contractions were still coming and growing more intense. The midwife checked my progress and I was roughly 4cm dilated and instead of returning to the maternity ward, Tina informed the midwives I would be labouring overnight.

I put my headphones in and began playing my Hypnobirthing tracks, breathing through each contraction as they grew more and more intense. I used the shower, Hypnobirthing tracks, dark room, movement and aromatherapy between 10:00pm-12:30am when my contractions changed.

I went from having 3-4 in 10 minutes to having 2, the midwife was concerned I was becoming dehydrated. I left the shower and climbed up on the bed to be assessed. Upon examination the midwife told me I was only 4-5cm. I started using the gas for pain relief as labour continued. Whilst I was laying on the bed, I heard a huge pop and with that, my waters broke.

The midwife took a look and said that there was meconium in my waters. Time now became a factor in what happened next. Tina wanted to start the Pitocin drip to get my labour moving again. Around this time my contractions became almost overwhelming. Paul and I discussed it and decided it was time to get an epidural and once the anaesthetist arrived, we would start Pitocin. My cervix was checked again and still 5cm.

The on-call anaesthetist was contacted and on his way.

About 30 minutes passed and the anaesthetist arrived and I could hear him speaking with the second midwife in the corridor. I began to feel intense pressure right down in my pelvis. I told the midwife I was pushing, she told me not to as it was much too early and the pressure might just be from London’s position as she was ‘sunny side up’. Our midwife was getting ready to examine me and I couldn’t help but push.

As soon as she began the examination, she said “Paul, can you please press the assist button behind you.” I was scared.. “what is wrong?” I asked our midwife. “Absolutely nothing is wrong, you are 9-10cm dilated so I am just getting the second midwife.”

I remember feeling overwhelmed and telling them all I needed my Tina (we’re a team after all) and my hubby said she was on her way.  This meant I would not need the Pitocin (yay!). The anaesthetist advised we could still try to administer the epidural but I couldn’t sit still so I decided I could do this on my own. 

When Tina arrived, London was almost ready to join us!

I was breathing through each contraction even though pushing was exhausting and painful. I managed to get her head out up to her eyes before my contraction finished and I rested before the next one came. The next thing I felt was my stomach and pelvis jolting intermittently. I asked my Tina what was happening and her answer made everyone in the room laugh.

“She has the hiccups!”

Imagine your doctor is trying to assist you in not tearing and your daughter has the hiccups when she’s halfway out! Haha.

After a few more pushes Tina said “Sammii, on the next contraction or the one after, I am going to tell you to stop pushing and then she will be here!” With my next contraction I pushed with my entire being and after two pushes she said “okay, don’t push..” and after a minute or so, she was being held in the air, at the bottom of the bed.

The room filled with a light that I didn’t realise was there and I could hear everything. Tears streamed down my face.
My heart felt completely whole..

she’s here, she’s finally here.

She was placed on my chest and Tina moved to the top of my bed. She held my hand in hers while I cried. We will forever be grateful to her. She has given us everything we have ever wanted.

London Grace born March 30 at 03:13am. Our little miracle.